Git Branching Strategy :

Git Branching Strategy :

Establishing a robust branching strategy is essential to ensure smooth development, testing, and deployment processes across different environments. Below is a common branching strategy that you can consider for a typical software development lifecycle, including development, testing (QA), pre-production (PPD), production, and disaster recovery (DR) environments.

  1. Main/Branch :

    • Name: main or master

    • Purpose: This is the main branch that holds production-ready code. It's always stable and should ideally reflect the code running in the production environment.

  2. Development Branch :

    • Name: develop or dev

    • Purpose: All ongoing development work takes place in this branch. New features and bug fixes are merged into this branch. It should be relatively stable but not necessarily production-ready at all times.

  3. Feature Branches :

    • Name: feature/<feature-name>

    • Purpose: Each new feature or task gets its own branch, created from the develop branch. Developers work on these branches and merge them back into the develop branch when the feature is complete.

  4. QA Branch :

    • Name: qa or testing

    • Purpose: Once features are considered complete in the develop branch, they are merged into the qa branch for testing. This branch should reflect a stable state for testing purposes.

  5. Pre-Production Branch :

    • Name: ppd or staging

    • Purpose: This branch is used to simulate the production environment closely. After successful QA testing, code is merged from the qa branch to the ppd branch for final validation before deployment.

  6. Production Branch :

    • Name: prod or release

    • Purpose: Once the code is thoroughly tested in the ppd environment and ready for deployment, it's merged into the prod branch and deployed to the production environment.

  7. Disaster Recovery Branch :

    • Name: dr or backup

    • Purpose: This branch holds code that is identical to the currently deployed production code. It's useful for disaster recovery scenarios, allowing rapid deployment of the latest stable code in case of critical issues.

Workflow :

  1. Developers work on feature branches derived from develop.

  2. Once a feature is complete, it's merged into develop.

  3. Regular integration and automated tests take place in develop.

  4. Periodic merges from develop to qa for testing.

  5. After successful QA, merge to ppd for final validation.

  6. After final validation in ppd, merge to prod for deployment.

  7. Maintain a mirror of the production code in the dr branch.

Benefits :

  • Clear separation of environments and responsibilities.

  • Code stability is maintained in each environment.

  • Isolates ongoing development from testing and production environments.

  • Facilitates parallel development of multiple features.

Considerations :

  • Use automation for testing and deployment processes.

  • Implement code reviews and pull request approvals.

  • Communicate and document the branching strategy for the team.

  • Tailor the strategy to your team's workflow and project requirements.